A fresh start

Sara Murgolo originally came to the UK to practise nursing after leaving her family and home back in Italy.

Written by Nology Team - 15.08.19

At 30 years of age she decided to take the plunge and change careers, proving to herself that you are never too old to change direction, learn new skills and pursue a career in technology.

What does _nology represent for me?

Joining _nology represents my desire to make everyone’s life easier in the digital world. Having had experience working in a very inefficient environment, what makes me passionate about coding is knowing that I will have the ability to remove the negative experience of dealing with software and websites which were affecting my productivity. I hope one day I will help companies to make efficient websites and software which make clients and employee’s lives easier.

From a young age I was interested in the world of tech

When I was small I was particularly interested in computers and for many years I begged my family to get one. In secondary school, it finally happened! Over the years, I was always spending my savings on better laptops and phones to be more up to date. In fact, when I first started university in 2008 I had just bought my first iPhone (the 3G), and none of my university friends knew what it was!

My interest in technology was built on a foundation laid in secondary school. For 5 years during high school, I studied informatics and the basics of coding, and I really enjoyed it too. So when I started seeking a new career, I knew I wanted to explore this world again.

Obviously after more than 10 years, things have moved on and to say I’m a little rusty at programming would be an understatement! So the first thought was to start looking for courses to refresh existing skills and provide comprehensive training to get started in this new career.

Why I decided to pursue a career in tech…

Thinking about leaving nursing and pursuing a new career did not happen overnight, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about doing it. I started researching other career paths to get an understanding of the other options available to me. That’s when I came across an event sponsored by BBC Digital cities which featured _nology.

After attending the event and having a chat with Craig (CTO at _nology), I was impressed by their passion and their approach in encouraging people to get into this world and fill the tech skills gap. It inspired me to take the plunge. When I look back, that’s the meeting which landed me here!

What I hope to get out of _nology

Learning and gaining up to date knowledge with new programming languages and terminology has its challenges but at _nology I am always supported, whether that’s from one of the trainers or a fellow student: a level of support simply unavailable from an online coding course.

_nology is helping me to gain not only the tech skills needed to become a web developer but the course is also giving me an understanding of what tech employers are looking for, how Junior Developer jobs work and the skills required. I am hopeful that by the end of the course I will have the skills to be a professional web developer worth investing in.

Coming from a completely different background to coding, I couldn’t ask for anything more from my _nology experience.


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